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$ kitchen converge
-----> Starting Kitchen (
-----> Converging <default-centos65>...
Converging 3 resources
Recipe: enterprise-chef::default
* remote_file[/tmp/kitchen/cache/private-chef-11.1.8-1.el6.x86_64.rpm]
action create[2014-08-14T19:41:13-07:00] INFO: Processing
action create (enterprise-chef::default line 15)
(up to date)
* package[/tmp/kitchen/cache/private-chef-11.1.8-1.el6.x86_64.rpm]
action install[2014-08-14T19:41:20-07:00] INFO: Processing
action install (enterprise-chef::default line 19)
- install version 11.1.8-1.el6 of package /tmp/kitchen/cache/
* execute[private-chef-ctl reconfigure] action
run[2014-08-14T19:41:28-07:00] INFO: Processing
execute[private-chef-ctl reconfigure] action run
(enterprise-chef::default line 22)
[2014-08-14T19:41:39-07:00] INFO: execute[private-chef-ctl reconfigure]
ran successfully
- execute private-chef-ctl reconfigure
[2014-08-14T19:41:39-07:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 26.305913778
Running handlers:
[2014-08-14T19:41:39-07:00] INFO: Running report handlers
Running handlers complete
[2014-08-14T19:41:39-07:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 2/3 resources updated in 27.930367706 seconds
Finished converging <default-centos65> (0m30.94s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (0m31.41s)
As mentioned earlier, most default Chef resources are idempotent . Notice that the remote_file
resource is idempotent. It is reporting (up to date) . The package resource is normally
idempotent. We specifically crafted this example to show you a platform-specific quirk re-
lated to idempotency when it is used on RedHat-variant platforms, such as CentOS, which
we'll show you how to address.
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