Information Technology Reference
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Chef Client:
$ knife cookbook create enterprise-chef --cookbook-path .
$ cd enterprise-chef
$ kitchen init --create-gemfile
$ bundle install
As shown in Example 9-1 , edit the .kitchen.yml file to use the CentOS 6.5 basebox we pre-
pared specifically for this topic. Also, assign a private network address like we did in
Chapter 7 . This time, we're going to use the IP address . If this conflicts with
an address already being used on your local network, change it to a nonconflicting one. We
also need more memory than the default 512 MB allocated, so add a customize: block with
a memory: statement to increase the memory to 1.5 GB (memory is specified in megabytes
Make sure that you use the chef_solo provisioner for this cookbook, as the in-memory
Chef Server the chef_zero provisioner spawns will cause a conflict with the hands-on
exercises coming up in Chapter 10 . As of this writing, if you want to automate the install-
ation of a Chef Server with Chef cookbooks, using Chef Solo is recommended so that the
deployment code doesn't get confused by the presence of the in-memory Chef Server
used in Chef Zero.
Example 9-1. chefdk/chef-repo/cookbooks/enterprise-chef/.kitchen.yml
driver :
name : vagrant
provisioner :
name : chef_solo
platforms :
- name : centos65
driver :
box : learningchef / centos65
box_url : learningchef / centos65
network :
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