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Debugging Attributes
If you need to debug where attributes are being set, the node object exposes a helpful
node.debug_value() method. Let's say, for example, you did not know that ohai set
node['ipaddress'] using automatic precedence. You could determine this by using
node.debug_value() .
Modify recipes/default.rb as shown in Example 8-10 . Because we have access to the full
power of the Ruby language in a Chef recipe, we also make use of the “pretty printer for
Ruby objects” function included with the core Ruby library. This function will print out the
contents of a Ruby object in a more readable format. The node.debug_value() returns the
raw contents of an object; pp just makes the output look nicer.
Example 8-10. chefdk/motd-attributes/recipes/default.rb
# Cookbook Name:: motd-attributes
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright (C) 2014
require 'pp'
node . default [ 'ipaddress' ] = ''
pp node . debug_value ( 'ipaddress' )
node . default [ 'motd-attributes' ][ 'company' ] = 'My Company'
node . default [ 'motd-attributes' ][ 'message' ] = "It's a wonderful day today!"
include_recipe 'motd-attributes::message'
template '/etc/motd' ddo
source 'motd.erb'
mode '0644'
When you run kitchen converge , you should see the following output:
$ kitchen converge
-----> Starting Kitchen (
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