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Chef Client - Linux/Mac OS X:
$ touch recipes/message.rb
Chef Client - Windows:
$ touch recipes\message.rb
Now edit the recipes/message.rb file containing the recipe as shown in Example 8-8 . The
message recipe will be used to set additional values related to the message of the day.
Example 8-8. chefdk/motd-attributes/recipes/message.rb
node . default [ 'motd-attributes' ][ 'company' ] = 'the best company in the universe'
Note that our .kitchen.yml file includes only a reference to the default recipe in its run
list. We never intend for external consumers of our cookbook to refer to this message re-
cipe directly. We're just using the message recipe to organize our code, and it is assumed
that include_recipe will be used inside the default recipe to include any other neces-
sary code:
- recipe[motd-attributes::default]
Some Chef coders use the convention of putting an underscore prefix (“_”) in the name of
recipes that are “private”—recipes used merely to organize Chef code into smaller, more
understandable chunks. They name the recipe file "_message.rb" to make this intent
more clear in the cookbook file structure.
Also, you need to add an include_recipe statement to your default.rb . The in-
clude_recipe statement ensures that the message.rb file gets processed during the Chef run.
Otherwise, only the recipe file default.rb will be evaluated when the run list is motd-at-
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