Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
The hostname of this node is < %= node['hostname'] %>
The IP address of this node is <%= node [ 'ipaddress' ] %>
Perform a kitchen converge to apply the cookbook to your node, and then when you run
kitchen login it should display the following, with the expected values for
node["ipaddress"] and node["hostname"] . (Reminder: Once you have issued these com-
mands and verified the output is correct, make sure you run the exit command to get back to
the host prompt directory with your cookbook source.)
$ kitchen converge
$ kitchen login
Last login: Sun Jul 20 19:40:55 2014 from
The hostname of this node is default-centos65
The IP address of this node is
[vagrant@default-centos65 ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.
If the last line with the IP address is missing, even though it is clearly in the motd.erb , add
an extra newline in your text editor at the end of the file. The message of the day won't
display the last line if it does not have a carriage return in the text.
Setting Attributes
Now, let's try setting some attributes in our cookbook. First, generate a default attributes file.
Chef Development Kit:
$ chef generate attribute default
Chef Client - Linux/Mac OS X:
$ touch attributes/default.rb
Chef Client - Windows:
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