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Motd-Attributes Cookbook
Let's experiment with attributes in a cookbook called motd-cookbook . This is an attribute-
driven version of the motd cookbook we created in Chapter 7 . We're going to go through the
cookbook creation steps quickly in this chapter. If you need a refresher on what each of these
commands mean and the expected output, refer back to Chapter 7 .
First, generate the motd-attributes cookbook using either the chef generate cookbook
command in the Chef Development Kit or the knife cookbook create command in Chef
Client, depending on which is installed on your Chef Development workstation.
Chef Development Kit:
$ chef generate cookbook motd-attributes
$ cd motd-attributes
Chef Client:
$ knife cookbook create motd-attributes --cookbook-path .
$ cd motd-attributes
$ kitchen init --create-gemfile
$ bundle install
Next, modify the .kitchen.yml file to use our favorite box image, as shown in Example 8-1 .
Example 8-1. chefdk/motd-attributes/.kitchen.yml
driver :
name : vagrant
provisioner :
name : chef_zero
platforms :
- name : centos65
driver :
box : learningchef / centos65
box_url : learningchef / centos65
suites :
- name : default
run_list :
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