Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Example 7-7 shows how the run list is defined in the suites: stanza of the .kitchen.yml .
Chef Development Kit users, remember to make sure this is correct, due to the current bug
that incorrectly sets the run list to recipe[bar::default] .
Now you know that the run list recipe[apache::default] is just shorthand indicating that
Chef code needs to be executed in the recipes/default.rb file of the apache cookbook. Chef-
client executes the code when we run kitchen converge .
To make sure your .kitchen.yml has no syntax errors, run kitchen list . If there are issues,
correct them:
$ kitchen list
Instance Driver Provisioner Last Action
default-centos65 Vagrant ChefZero <Not Created>
Edit the File
Your file should drive the cookbook development, based on the prerequisites
you defined in Define Prerequisites . Example 7-8 shows a suggested for your
apache cookbook.
Example 7-8. chefdk/apache/
# apache cookbook
This cookbook installs and configures a simple web site using the Apache HTTPD server.
Supports only CentOS or other RHEL variants that use the +httpd+ package.
Add `apache` to your node's `run_list`.
A `.kitchen.yml` file is provided. Run +kitchen converge+ to verify this cookbook.
Update Metadata.rb
Here's the metadata.rb file that was generated in your cookbook skeleton:
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