Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Where Do We Go From Here?
In the first half of this topic, we'll cover all the essential components of client-side Chef,
showing you how to make your infrastructure versionable and repeatable with code. We'll
▪ Test Kitchen
▪ Chef Solo/Chef Local
▪ Cookbooks
We'll also give you a firm foundation in the basics of infrastructure coding with Chef by
providing lots of hands-on examples.
In the second half of this topic, we'll introduce you to the essential topics related to Chef
Server, showing you how to make your configuration management abilities scale as your in-
frastructure increases in complexity and scope:
▪ On-Premises Chef Server
▪ Chef Zero
▪ Roles, Data Bags, and Environments
▪ Knife
Tools covered in this topic are freely available as open source downloads. Some paid tools
will be mentioned, but are not required to learn or use Chef.
In the next chapter, we'll start your adventure with Chef by walking you through the Chef
Development Kit installation process, so that you can get started right away writing Chef
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