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Add some Chef code to change the /etc/motd on your node by editing recipes/default.rb to
resemble Example 7-3 (we'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to modify the copyright
Example 7-3. chefdk/motd/recipes/default.rb
# Cookbook Name:: motd
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright (C) 2014
cookbook_file "/etc/motd" ddo
source "motd"
mode "0644"
Here's an explanation of what each line of code in Example 7-3 does:
cookbook_file is a Chef resource . The cookbook_file resource is used to transfer files
from the files/ subdirectory in a cookbook to the node.
do / end clauses note that the Chef resource definition spans multiple lines.
▪ The "/etc/motd" string passed to cookbook_file is the name . name that defines the
path the file should be copied to on the node.
source defines the name of the file in the files/ subdirectory.
mode defines the octal permissions to set on the file after it is copied. In this case it is
octal 644, “world readable.” If you don't set the file mode appropriately, other users
might not be able to read the contents of this file.
Now that you have created a cookbook directory structure using chef generate cookbook ,
skip ahead to Performing Your First Converge to use Chef to configure your node.
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