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(@recipe_files::/learningchef/info.rb line 2)
[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00] INFO: MAC Address: 08:00:27:1C:AD:B6
* log[OS Platform: centos 6.5] action write[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00] INFO:
Processing log[OS Platform: centos 6.5] action write (@recipe_files::/learning
chef/info.rb line 3)
[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00] INFO: OS Platform: centos 6.5
* log[Running on a vbox guest] action write[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00] INFO:
Processing log[Running on a vbox guest] action write (@recipe_files::/learning
chef/info.rb line 5)
[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00] INFO: Running on a vbox guest
* log[Hostname: default-centos65] action write[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00]
INFO: Processing log[Hostname: default-centos65] action write (@recipe_files
::/learningchef/info.rb line 6)
[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00] INFO: Hostname: default-centos65
[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 0.039998861 seconds
Running handlers:
[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00] INFO: Running report handlers
Running handlers complete
[2014-08-14T12:36:05-07:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 5/5 resources updated in 2.354730576 seconds
Notice that chef-client printed out the relevant information about your node. Your data
should be similar, but some of the details, such as the IP Address , will most likely be
slightly different. Chef collects a great deal of information about the state of a target machine
in the node object. This node information is used to make intelligent decisions about how to
automatically place the node into a desired configuration.
Run the exit command to get back to the host prompt, then run kitchen destroy
default-centos65 . This will shut down the VM and destroy the instance in your virtualiza-
tion software, as you are done with this instance for now:
[vagrant@default-centos65 ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.
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