Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Edit the .kitchen.yml file as shown in Example 6-1 , and make it resemble the state of the final
.kitchen.yml when you finished Chapter 5 .
Example 6-1. node/.kitchen.yml
driver :
name : vagrant
provisioner :
name : chef_solo
platforms :
- name : centos65
driver :
box : learningchef / centos65
box_url : learningchef / centos65
suites :
- name : default
run_list :
attributes :
Then run kitchen create to spin up a new sandbox environment to serve as your node. As
before, it will use the cached version of the learningchef/centos65 box, and Test Kitchen
will not try to download the box again if it sees the box in the cache. So the sandbox environ-
ment should start fairly quickly, in less than a minute:
$ kitchen create default-centos65
Installing Chef Client with Test Kitchen
Use the kitchen login command to connect to your node (a.k.a. the sandbox environment),
and access the command prompt of the node running CentOS 6. Then, check to see if the
Chef Client is installed on the node by running chef-client --version :
$ kitchen login default-centos65
Last login: Fri Jul 4 14:48:27 2014 from
Welcome to your Packer-built virtual machine.
[vagrant@default-centos65 ~]$ chef-client --version
-bash: chef-client: command not found
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