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ture. We are using Test Kitchen to manage a sandbox environment running CentOS 6 as a
guest virtual machine. Now we need to make the guest virtual machine a Chef node.
Chef uses the generic term node because Chef is not limited to managing servers or com-
pute nodes. Chef can manage other components in your infrastructure as well, such as
switches, routers, and storage.
Going forward, we will refer to your guest virtual machine sandbox environment simply as a
node . In fact, you might not even be using a guest virtual machine if you decided to opt for
the alternative setups covered on . So it makes sense to just refer to
the “other machine” being managed by Chef generically as a node .
Create a New Sandbox Environment for a Node
Within the directory structure you have created for this topic's code, as outlined in Create a
Directory Structure for Your Code , create a project directory to contain the sandbox environ-
ment for your node. Create a new directory called node and make it the current directory, just
like you did in Chapter 5 . For example:
$ mkdir node
$ cd node
Then perform the same steps you performed in Chapter 5 , running kitchen init to gener-
ate all the required Test Kitchen configuration, and bundle install to install the supporting
$ kitchen init --create-gemfile
$ bundle install
In this case, running bundle install is really not necessary, because you are setting up a
sandbox environment identical to the one you created in Chapter 5 . However, it is a good
idea to acquire the habit of running bundle install after kitchen init .
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