Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Tanzania is the only African country boasting indigenous inhabitants
from all of the continent's main ethnolinguistic families (Bantu, Nilo-
Hamitic, Cushitic, Khoisan). They live in closest proximity around lakes
Eyasi and Babati.
Tanzanians place a premium on politeness and courtesy. Greetings are essential, and
you'll probably be given a gentle reminder should you forget this and launch straight into
a question without first inquiring as to the wellbeing of your listener and their family. Tan-
zanian children are trained to greet their elders with a respectful shikamoo (literally, 'I hold
your feet'), often accompanied in rural areas by a slight curtsy, and strangers are frequently
addressed as dada (sister) or mama, in the case of an older woman; kaka (brother); or ndugu
(relative or comrade).
Tanzanians are conservative, and while they are likely to be too polite to tell you
so directly, they'll be privately shaking their head about travellers doing things
such as not wearing enough clothing, sporting tatty clothes, or indulging in pub-
lic displays of affection. Especially along the Muslim coast, cover up the
shoulders and legs, and avoid plunging necklines, skin-tight fits and the like.
Another thing to remember is the great importance placed on greetings and
pleasantries. Even if just asking directions, Tanzanians always take time to greet
the other person and inquire about their wellbeing and that of their families, and
they expect visitors to do the same. Tanzanians often continue to hold hands for
several minutes after meeting, or even throughout an entire conversation. Espe-
cially in the south, a handshake may be accompanied by touching the left hand
to the right elbow as a sign of respect.
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