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A charismatic young school teacher named Julius Nyerere is elected President
of the Tanganyika African National Union, an organisation dedicated to the lib-
eration of Tanganyika from colonial rule.
9 December 1961
Tanganyika gains independence from British colonial rule, with Nyerere as
president. Zanzibar follows suit in December 1963, establishing a constitutional
monarchy under the Sultan.
Following a bloody coup on Zanzibar in which several thousand Zanzibaris
were killed, Tanganyika and Zanzibar are united to form the United Republic of
At a gathering of TANU party faithful in Arusha, Julius Nyerere garners enthu-
siastic support for the Arusha Declaration, which sets out Tanzania's path to
African socialism.
Ugandan dictator Idi Amin invades Tanzania, burning villages along the Kagera
River believed to harbour Ugandan rebels. Tanzania's army marches to Kam-
pala to topple Amin and restore Milton Obote to power.
Julius Nyerere voluntarily steps down as president after five terms. This paves
the way for a peaceful transition to his elected successor.
After resisting for several years, but with the economy in a downward spiral,
Tanzania accepts stringent IMF terms for a Structural Adjustment Program loan.
Opposition parties are legalised under pressure from the international donor
community. The first multiparty elections are held in Tanzania in 1995 with 13
political parties on the ballot.
7 August 1998
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