Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
the site of one of WWI's bloodiest battles in Africa, in which German and British Imperial
forces (consisting of primarily Nigerian and South African troops) fought and more than
2000 people lost their lives.
If you're planning to visit Lukwika-Lumesule and Msangesi Game Reserves ( Click
here ) , it's essential to first stop in Masasi at the reserve warden's office ( 023-251 0364,
0784-634972, 0713-311129). It's currently on the Newala road, just south of the Mtwara
road and near the immigration office. However, it's scheduled to be moved soon to Mi-
gongo Area, about 1km north of the main road en route to Nachingwea, on the left side.
Ask for Mali Asili (Natural Resources). There's an NBC bank with an ATM on the main
road at the eastern end of town.
Sleeping & Eating
Sechele Lodge GUESTHOUSE $
( 0784-534438;; Newala Rd; r Tsh20,000-25,000; ) About
800m from the bus stand along the Newala road, this place has a handful of clean, pleasant
rooms - some with bathroom, others with bathroom just outside - and is quieter than the
more central guesthouses. Meals are available on order.
Holiday Hotel GUESTHOUSE $
(Tunduru Rd; r Tsh30,000-40,000; ) Clean, straightforward rooms with fan in a conveni-
ent location opposite and about 100m east of the bus stand.
Mbalache Two Guest House GUESTHOUSE $
(Tunduru Rd; r Tsh8000) This guesthouse has basic rooms, all with fan, and is convenient
to the bus stand - about 200m east along the main road opposite Masasi Inn and diagonally
opposite Holiday Hotel. There's no food.
For meals (the offerings are limited to chicken, chips and ugali ) try the restaurant at Sa-
yari Hotel ( 023-251 0095; meals Tsh5000) at the eastern end of town near the post of-
fice, or Scaba Pub (Tunduru Rd; meals from Tsh2000) , next to Holiday Hotel. The latter
is a men's only type of pub, but service is usually fast and the food (chicken or omelette
and chips) tasty.
The bus stand is at the western edge of Masasi at the intersection of the Tunduru, Naching-
wea and Newala roads.
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