Biomedical Engineering Reference
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[50] Robicsek F., Thubrikar M.J., Cook J.W., Fowler B.: The congenitally bicuspid aortic valve:
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[52] den Reijer P.M., Sallee D., van der Velden P., Zaaijer E., Parks W.J., Ramamurthy S., Rob-
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[53] Viscardi F., Vergara C., Antiga L., Merelli S., Veneziani A., Puppini G., Faggian G., Maz-
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[54] Dwight R.P.: Bayesian inference for data assimilation using Least-Squares Finite Element
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[55] D'Elia M., Veneziani A.: Methods for assimilating blood velocity measures in hemodynamics
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[56] Quarteroni A., Valli A.: Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations. Springer,
[57] Hansen P.C.: Rank-deficient and discrete ill-posed problems: numerical aspects of linear in-
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[58] D'Elia M., Perego M., Veneziani A.: A variational data assimilation procedure for the incom-
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[59] Nobile F., Tempone R.: Analysis and implementation issues for the numerical approximation
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from the 11th Conference on The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications.
[61] Elman H.C., Miller C.W., Phipps E.T., Tuminaro R.S.: Assessment Of Collocation And
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[62] Bertero M., Piana M.: Inverse problems in biomedical imaging: modeling and methods
of solution. In: Quarteroni A., Formaggia L., Veneziani A. (eds.), Complex Systems in
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[63] Sforza D.M., Lohner R., Putman C., Cebral J.R.: Hemodynamic analysis of intracranial
aneurysms with moving parent arteries: Basilar tip aneurysms. International Journal for Nu-
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[64] Holzapfel G.A., Gasser T.C., Ogden R.W.: A new constitutive framework for arterial wall
mechanics and a comparative study of material models. Journal of Elasticity 61 (1): 1-48,
[65] Wulandana R., Robertson A.M.: An inelastic multi-mechanism constitutive equation for cere-
bral arterial tissue. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 4 (4): 235-248, 2005.
[66] Causin P., Gerbeau J.F., Nobile F.: Added-mass effect in the design of partitioned algo-
rithms for fluid-structure problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineer-
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[67] Gerardo-Giorda L., Nobile F., Vergara C.: Analysis and optimization of robin-robin parti-
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[68] Torii R., Keegan J., Wood N.B., Dowsey A.W., Hughes A.D., Yang G.Z., Firmin D.N., Thom
S.A.M.G., Xu X.Y.: MR Image-Based Geometric and Hemodynamic Investigation of the
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