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oughly, e.g. [87] and agree well with the plethora of experimental data. In summary,
for fixed flow conditions and cell parameters, the space of adhesion parameters can
be divided into sub-spaces with different adhesion states. A similar adhesion state
diagram can be constructed for diseased RBCs with adhesive properties, but exper-
imental data are currently lacking.
Finally, we want to clarify that we modelled here whole blood as suspension of
RBCs in plasma, hence ignoring the effect of white cells (about 0.7 %) and platelets
(less than 0.5 %) or the effect of other proteins in the plasma, although we mod-
elled fibrinogen implicitly in Sect. 10.4 on rouleaux formation. From the numerical
modelling standpoint, there is no particular difficulty in also modelling these other
cells, which are significant in specific biomedical studies, e.g. in thrombosis, im-
mune response. From the biophysical view point, however, as we demonstrated in
Sects. 10.4 and 10.5 their presence is not important for the whole blood rheological
Acknowledgements. This work was supported by NIH and NSF. Simulations were performed at
the NSF supercomputing center NICS, at the BG/P at ANL via an INCITE DOE award, and at the
J ulich supercomputing center.
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