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we have
N cg , j
n = 1 Q sa | j , n = 0
N jn ,
P sa | j , n =
P sa | j , 1
N cg , j
N jn ,
where the pair
indicates the restriction of the flow rate and pressure of
a given systemic artery at the junction j .
The geometrical and mechanical parameters used in the 1D model of the arterial
tree agree with the model proposed in [1] and are presented in Table 9.2.
Q sa | j ,
P sa | j )
9.4.4 0D model for the arterioles and capillaries
The peripheral circulation is represented through Windkessel models [54, 56] char-
acterized by three elements R c , R a and C a to model the capillaries and arterioles,
respectively (see Fig. 9.5).
In Fig. 9.5
denote the quantities at the input and output, re-
spectively. For a single Windkessel element k these quantities are
Q i ,
P i )
Q o ,
P o )
Q sa | w , k ,
P sa | w , k )
. The former pair represents the quantities at the arterial segment
converging to the corresponding Windkessel segment k , whereas in the latter pair
we have the quantities from the venous side. Then the balance equations for these
models are the following
Q w , k ,
P w , k )
R a C a d
dQ sa | w , k
R c R a C a
dt (
P sa | w , k
P w , k )
Q sa | w , k
P sa | w , k
P w , k ) (
R c +
R a )
N w ,
Q sa | w , k =
Q w , k
N w
The Windkessel element is a model for the arterial-venous interface. Thus the P sa | w , k
is the pressure from the arterial side (at the input of the compartment) while P w , k is
the pressure from the venous side (at the output of the compartment), more precisely
Fig. 9.5. The 0D Windkessel model for the peripheral circulation
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