Biomedical Engineering Reference
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1. Aspell M.: Professional Plone Development. Packt Publishing, 2007.
2. Beard D.A.: A biophysical model of the mitochondrial respiratory system and oxidative phos-
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3. Beard D.A., Britten R., Cooling M.T, Garny A., Halstead M.D.B., Hunter P.J., Lawson J,
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Wimalaratne S.M., Yu T.: CellML metadata: Standards, associated tools and repositories.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 367 (1895): 1845-1867, 2009.
4. Bradley C.P., Pullan A.J., Hunter P.J.: Geometric modelling of the human torso using cubic
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5. Bradley et al.: OpenCMISS: A multi-physics & multi-scale computational infrastructure for
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7. Christie G.R., Blackett S.A., Hunter P.J., Bullivant D.P.: Modelling and visualising the heart.
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8. Christie G.R., Nielsen P.M.F., Blackett S.A., Bradley C.P., Hunter P.J.: FieldML: Standards,
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9. Cooling M., Hunter P.J., Crampin E.J.: Modelling hypertrophic IP 3 transients in the cardiac
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10. Cuellar A.A., Lloyd C.M., Nielsen P.F., Bullivant D.P., Nickerson D.P., Hunter P.J.: An over-
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12. Fonseca C.G., Backhaus M., Bluemke D.A., Britten R.D., Chung J.D., Cowan B.R., Dinov I.D.,
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14. Garny A., Nickerson D., Cooper J., Weber dos Santos R., McKeever S., Nielsen P., Hunter P.:
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16. Hooks D.A., Tomlinson K.A., Marsden S.G. et al.: Cardiac microstructure: Implications for
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17. Hunter P.J.: Modelling living systems: The IUPS/EMBS Physiome Project. Proceedings of
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18. Hunter P.J.: The IUPS Physiome Project: a framework for computational physiology. Progress
in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 85 (2-3): 551-569, 2004.
19. Hunter P.J., Borg T.K.: Integration from proteins to organs: The Physiome Project. Nature
Reviews Molecular and Cell Biology 4 , 237-243, 2003.
20. Hunter P.J., Nielsen P.M.F.: A strategy for integrative computational physiology. Physiology
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21. Hunter P.J., Pullan A.J., Smaill B.H.: Modelling total heart function. Ann Review of Biomed-
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22. Hunter P.J., Smaill B.H.: The analysis of cardiac function: a continuum approach. Prog. Bio-
phys. Molec. Biol. 52 : 101-164, 1989.
23. Hunter P.J., Viceconti M.: The VPH-Physiome Project: Standards and tools for multi-scale
modelling in clinical applications. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 2 : 40-53, 2009.
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