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Arterial growth and remodelling is driven by
Luca Cardamone, and Jay D. Humphrey
Abstract. Experimental observations highlight the importance of altered hemo-
dynamics on arterial function and adaptation [27, 28, 29]. We discuss a class of
mechano-biological models for growth and remodelling (G&R) of the arterial wall
that describe the intimate interaction between hemodynamics, cell activity, and ar-
terial wall mechanics. For some applications the artery can be described as a thin
walled structure: for example, basic adaptations to perturbed pressure and flow, cere-
bral aneurysms, and vasospasms have been successfully modelled treating the vas-
cular wall as a membrane. A multiple-time scales membrane model is described
and illustrative results discussed. Future patient-specific models of large arteries
and pathologies as atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneurysms require a full 3D
model of the interaction between the blood flow and the growing vessel. We discuss
the extension of the model to thick walled vessels and some preliminary results.
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Arterial structure
The vasculature consists of a complex system of arteries, arterioles, capillaries,
venules, and veins. Each vessel serves a unique function and exhibits unique be-
haviour. The microstructure of the normal arterial wall varies with location along
the vascular tree, age, species, local adaptation and disease; thus, one must focus
on the particular vessel and condition of interest. Nonetheless, arteries can be cate-
Luca Cardamone ( )
Sector of Functional Analysis and Applications, SISSA-International School for Advanced Studies,
Trieste, Italy
Jay D. Humphrey
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
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