Biomedical Engineering Reference
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0 R 0 is the fine-to-coarse restriction matrix and A 0 is the coarse Bidomain stiff-
ness matrix associated with the coarse space U 0 =
U H . More general projection-like
operators T m associated with approximate bilinear forms and inexact local solvers
could be used as well, see [129, 140]. The use of the B AS preconditioner (5.33) for
the iterative solution of the Bidomain discrete system (5.31) can also be regarded as
a way for replacing (5.31) with the preconditioned system
T AS u
where g
B AS f , which can be accelerated by a Krylov subspace method.
The following result extend the classical overlapping Schwarz analysis to the
condition number of T AS , see [85].
Theorem 4. The condition number of the 2-level additive Schwarz operator T AS de-
fined in (5.32) is bounded by
C 1
κ 2 (
T AS )
with C independent of h
, δ
. The multilevel Additive Schwarz preconditioner
The method described in the previous section uses two levels with a coarse and a
fine mesh. The smaller is H , the smaller are the local problems, while the algebraic
linear system corresponding to the problem in U 0 becomes larger. We can then apply
recursively this two-level technique to the coarse problem and obtain an additive
multilevel method for the Bidomain system. We refer to the original work of Dryja
and Widlund [41], Zhang [159] and Dryja, Sarkis and Widlund [42] for an overview
of these methods for scalar elliptic problems, including multilevel diagonal scaling
variants and different choices of coarse spaces.
Let us consider L
2 rather than just two mesh levels: on each level k
k with elements of char-
is discretized with a shape-regular mesh
1 , with level L
acteristic size h k .
is a refinement of
1 being the finest,
hence h L 1 =
h and h 0 =
H . On each level k
1, we define a finite-
V H , and the spaces V h k , U h k as in
element space V h k , with V h L 1
V h and V h 0
N k
m = 1
{ Ω km }
the previous section. We introduce L
1 sets of overlapping subdomains
for k
1, such that on each level there is an overlapping decomposition
Ω = N m = 1 Ω km and we denote with
δ k the overlap at level k . As in [159], we make
the following assumption about the sets
{ Ω km }
Ω = N m = 1 Ω km satisfies the
Assumption 5.3.1. On each level the decomposition
∂Ω km aligns with the boundaries of level k elements, i.e.
Ω km is the union of
Ω km )=O
level k elements. In addition, diameter(
h k 1 )
N m
{ Ω km }
(b) The subdomains
form a finite covering of
, with a covering con-
N m
{ Ω km }
stant N c , i.e. we can color
1 using at most N c colors in such a way that
subdomains of the same color are disjoint.
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