Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 12.2 ( a ) Overlay of FlexX-docked pose of h4 and X-ray pose of biotin in the aptamer RNA
pseudoknot. The ligand is rendered in capped stick. Carbon atoms of h4 are magenta and those of
biotin are white . Cyan lined-ribbon represents the backbone of RNA. ( b ) Docked model of h4 in
complex with biotin-pseudoknot complex. The residues in the active site are rendered in stick.
Carbon atoms of pseudoknot are green , oxygen red , nitrogen blue , and phosphorus orange . Yellow
dashed lines are hydrogen bonds
Fig. 12.3 ( a ) Two-dimensional model of SARS-pseudoknot generated by the PSEUDOVIEWER
program. ( b ) Three-dimensional structural model of the SARS-pseudoknot used in this study. It
was optimized by molecular dynamics simulation using the Amber 8.0 program. Brown ribbon
renders the phosphate backbone of the RNA pseudoknot
Based on these successful results, Park applied the virtual screening strategy to
discover ligands for the SARS-pseudoknot, even though its 3D structure was not
completely determined. It was known that the SARS-pseudoknot has a unique 3
stem-3 loop structure. They built a 3D model using the RNA pseudoknot predicting
program (PSEUDOVIEWER) and Sybyl molecular modeling software, and then
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