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Fig. 2 Illustration of the modified Viterbi algorithm used to decode the semi-Markovian up-
per level sequence of activity state S . This is a simple example with three upper level state
S i and eight frames T k . Top of the image: decoded upper level state sequence S for the eight
frames. For the three following tables, numbers on the vertical axis correspond to upper level
states S i numbering and the horizontal axis denotes the frames T k . Upper table: P ( y , S | θ )
values. Middle table: time index of the corresponding previous change of upper level state.
Down table: value of the corresponding previous upper level state. Red lines corresponds to
the decoding process, from the final frame t 8 to t 1 . Couples of values ( S i , t j ) between up and
middle table denotes the previous upper state S i and previous time index of upper state change
t j corresponding to current decoding frame.
a d 1
d i )=
a ii ) ,
where a ii is the probability of staying in state S i from time t to t
Comparison between HPaSMM and HPaHMM architectures will highlight the
importance of modeling the upper level state durations provided by HPaSMMs.
Fig. 3 contains the HPaHMM version of the HPaSMM presented in Fig. 1.
Hence, estimation of the set of HPaHMM parameters
is similar to
the HPaSMMs one except for matrix A . Indeed, since they specifically model upper
level state durations, HPaSMMs training procedure computes A by looking at the
transitions between activity phases only at times q r (the time index of the end-point
of the r th segment defined in the Section 2.4). For HPaHMMs training procedure,
every time instant ( i.e. , every frames) transitions of activity phases are considered to
learn A . To retrieve activities using a HPaHMM, a simple Viterbi algorithm is here
needed. The likelihood P
θ = {
, φ , ψ }
to maximize is here defined, for an observation
sequence y of size K and a sequence of upper level state S , by:
| θ )
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