Travel Reference
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Xugana Island Lodge $$$
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( 686 1559; ; per person low season US$476, s/d high season
US$1113/1712; ) Set on a pristine lagoon just north of Moremi, this lodge offers su-
perb birdwatching and fishing. This area was historically frequented by San hunters, and
Xugana means 'kneel down to drink' - a reference to the welcome sight of perennial wa-
ter after a long hunt. Accommodation is in beautiful thatched chalets with modern furnish-
Shinde Island Camp $$$
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( 686 0375; ; per person low season US$495, s/d high
season US$1265/1900) This lagoon-side camp sits just north of Moremi, between the sa-
vannah and the delta, and is one of the oldest camps in the delta. Eight linen tents sur-
round a central lodge known for its class and formality.
Xakanaxa Camp $$$
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( in South Africa 011-463 3999; ; per person low season
US$531, s/d high season from US$1301/1786) This camp, of longer standing than most,
offers a pleasant mix of delta and savannah habitat, and teems with huge herds of ele-
phants and other wildlife. However, it's most famous for its legendary birdwatching, espe-
cially along the shores of the nearby Xakanaxa Lediba. It's very good at providing the
luxury safari experience.
Khwai Camp Site $
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( ; GPS: S 19°10.359', E 23°45.122'; campsite per adult/child US$50/
25) The campsites at this expansive campground are shady and well developed, with some
lovely sites close to the riverbank; others are a little further inland. There's also an ablu-
tions block and good wildlife watching in the area. In July 2012 there was a nonfatal leo-
pard attack on a lone camper; always drive to the ablutions block from your campsite after
dark. There are a couple of small shops in Khwai village on the other side of the river
selling food and other supplies.
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