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Proposition 5.1
Σ st consists of a
finite set of st-tgds. Then every source instance S has infinitely many solutions under
=(R s , R t ,
Σ st ) be a relational mapping, where
Moreover, at least one solution for S can be constructed in polynomial time.
Proof We first define a procedure that takes as input a source instance S and computes a
solution T for S . For each st-tgd in
Σ st of the form:
R k ( x k , w k ) ,
where x and w are the tuples of variables that appear in the x i 's and the w i 's, for 1
w R 1 ( x 1 , w 1 )
( x )
∧··· ∧
k ,
( a ), choose a tuple ¯
and for each tuple a from D OM ( S ) of length
such that S
of fresh distinct null values over V AR . Then populate each relation R i ,1
k ,
π w i ( ¯
with tuples (
π x i ( a ) ,
π x i ( a ) refers to the components of a that occur in the
π w i ( ¯
positions of x i , and likewise for
). It is easy to see that the resulting target instance T
is a solution for S under
, as the process ensures that every st-tgd is satisfied. Moreover,
each target instance T that extends T with new tuples is also a solution for S . Thus, every
source instance S admits infinitely many solutions. Finally, since
is fixed, the process
of constructing T is done in polynomial time in
, since computing sets of tuples a such
that S
( a ) can be done in polynomial time.
Relational mappings defined in FO
We mentioned in Section 4.1 that admitting arbitrary expressive power for specifying de-
pendencies in data exchange easily leads to undecidability of the problem of existence of
solutions. The next result confirms this, even for relational mappings with no target depen-
dencies, and just a single source-to-target dependency given by an FO sentence.
Proposition 5.2
Σ st con-
sists of a single FO dependency over the symbols in R s and R t , such that the problem
S OL E XISTENCE M is undecidable.
This result confirms the fact that relational mappings have to be restricted in order to
become useful for data exchange purposes. A possible proof of Proposition 5.2 goes by a
rather tedious codification of the halting problem for Turing machines. We postpone the
proof, however, because in the next section we show a stronger result, with a much more
concise and elegant proof, that immediately implies the above.
There exists a relational mapping
=(R s , R t ,
Σ st ) ,where
5.2 Undecidability for st-tgds and target constraints
The fact that arbitrary expressive power of source-to-target dependencies destroys decid-
ability of the most basic data exchange problem was one of the reasons why in Section
4.1 we decided to impose a restriction that mappings be of the form
=(R s , R t ,
Σ st ,
Σ t ),
Σ t consists of a finite set of tgds and egds.
So a natural question then is: does this restriction guarantee decidability of the problem
of existence of solutions? It turns out that it is still insufficient for decidability, let alone
Σ st consists of a finite set of st-tgds and
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