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8. (Source: Amano et al. ( 2009 ))
Show that C ONS (
, , =) is N EXPTIME -hard over nested-relational DTDs. Hint: Use
the proof of hardness of solution existence and enforce that all data values in the
source tree are different.
9. (Source: Amano et al. ( 2009 ))
Show that A B C ONS (
2 -hard. Hint: Recall the reduction used in the proof of
, ) is
Theorem 11.7 .
10. (Source: Bojanczyk et al. ( 2011 ))
Give a formal definition of the class
Π 2 E XP in terms of Turing machines and prove
that 2 n - UNIVERSALITY is hard for this class (see page 242 ).
11. (Source: Bojanczyk et al. ( 2011 ))
Modifying the reduction from the proof of Theorem 18.9 , show that A B C ONS is
Π 2 E XP -hard for SM nr (
) andSM nr (
, =),andN EXPTIME -hard for SM nr (
, ,
, ,
, , =).
12. (Source: Fagin et al. ( 2005b ))
M 12 and
M 23 be the mappings in Example 19.2 ,and
σ 13 be the following FO
c ( Takes ( n , c )
Enrolled ( y , c )) .
Show that
13 defines the composition of
12 and
23 .
13. (Source: Fagin et al. ( 2005b ))
M 12 =(R 1 , R 2 ,
Σ 12 ) and
M 23 =(R 2 , R 3 ,
Σ 23 ),where
Σ 12 and
Σ 23 are finite sets
of st-tgds. Prove that C OMPOSITION (
M 12 ,
M 23 ) is in NP.
14. (Source: Fagin et al. ( 2005b ))
Show that for each SO tgd
from a schema R s to a schema R t there exists a poly-
nomial p , with the following property. Assume that S is an instance of R s , T is an
instance of R t , U is a set such that D OM ( S )
D OM ( T )
V AR and
p (
).Then( S , T )
if and only if ( S , T ) satisfies
with witnessing
valuations whose domain and range is U .
15. (Source: Fagin et al. ( 2005b ))
M 23 be the mappings in Example 19.2 . Use the composition algorithm
for SO tgds to calculate an SO tgd
M 12 and
σ 13 defining the composition of
M 12 with
M 23 .
16. (Source: Arenas et al. ( 2009a ))
An SO tgd
is said to be equality-free if it does not contain any atomic formula of the
form t 1 = t 2 ,where t 1 and t 2 are terms built from some variables and function symbols.
Show that if a mapping
is defined by an equality-free SO tgd, then
is closed
under target homomorphisms.
17. (Source: Fagin et al. ( 2005b ))
Here you will show that equalities in SO tgds are strictly necessary for the purposes
of composition. More precisely, let R 1 be a schema consisting of a unary predicate
Employee , R 2 a schema consisting of a binary predicate Manager and R 3 a schema
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