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as the conjunction of all atomic formulae V (
( v 1 ) ,...,
( v k )) such that V ( v 1 ,..., v k ) holds
in T i , and define
θ i as the st-tgd
ϕ i ( x , y )
ψ i ( x , z ).
Σ st =
{ θ 1 ,...,
θ m }
Σ st is a finite set of LAV st-tgds, so to conclude the
proof it is enough to show that
Σ st , that is, it is enough to show that given
instances S , T of R s and R t , respectively, the pair ( S , T ) is in
is defined by
Σ st .
This proof follows exactly the same lines as the proof of Theorem 21.4 , so we leave it as
an exercise for the reader (see Exercise 22.3 ).
if and only if ( S , T )
We conclude this section by presenting a characterization of GAV mappings, in which
we use all the properties mentioned in Theorem 21.4 together with the following new
structural condition:
Closure under target intersection: A mapping
is closed under target intersection
if ( S , T 1
T 2 )
whenever ( S , T 1 )
and ( S , T 2 )
It is easy to see that every GAV mapping is closed under target intersection. On the other
hand, as the following example shows, mappings defined by arbitrary sets of st-tgds do not
have this property. Consider a mapping M defined by the following st-tgd:
R ( x )
yE ( x , y ) .
Let S =
R (1)
be a source instance, and let T 1 =
E (1 , 2)
and T 2 =
E (1 , 3)
be target
instances. Clearly, both ( S , T 1 ) and ( S , T 2 ) belong to
,but( S , T 1
T 2 ) does not as T 1
T 2 = 0, which shows that
is not closed under target intersection. Notice that the previous
st-tgd is a LAV st-tgd, and, thus, LAV mappings are not closed under target intersection.
Theorem 21.6 A mapping can be defined by a finite set of GAV st-tgds if and only if
it is closed under target homomorphisms, admits universal solutions, reflects source ho-
momorphisms, is closed under target intersection, and is n-modular for some n
1 .
This theorem can be proved by using exactly the same construction as in the proof of
Theorem 21.4 , but relying instead on the following fact:
Proposition 21.7 If a mapping is closed under target homomorphisms, admits univer-
sal solutions and is closed under target intersection, then every source instance admits a
universal solution containing only constants.
Proof Assume that
is a mapping from a source schema R s to a target schema R t
satisfying the three conditions in the proposition, and let S be an instance of R s . Given that
.Let h
be a homomorphism that maps every constant in T to itself and every null value in T to
a fresh constant. Then given that
admits universal solutions, there exists a universal solution T for S under
is closed under target homomorphisms and h is the
identity on constants, the instance T obtained from T by replacing every element a by
h ( a ) is a solution for S under
is closed under target intersection, T = T
. It is a universal solution since T
is a solution for S under
T and T is a universal
solution. Also it contains only constants since T
T . This proves the proposition.
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