Database Reference
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1. h ( x )= x for every x that occurs in x ;and
2. if U ( t ) is a fact in T ,then U ( h ( t )) is a fact in T .
If x is clear from the context, we say that h is simply a homomorphism from T to T .
Consider an example of two conjunctive queries:
z U 1 ( x , z )
U 2 ( y , z , x )
Q 1 ( x , y )=
Q 2 ( x , y )= z w r U 1 ( x , z ) U 1 ( v , w ) U 2 ( y , z , x ) U 2 ( r , w , v ) .
The tableau for the first contains the facts U 1 ( x , z ) and U 2 ( y , z , x ); the tableau for the second
in addition contains the facts U 1 ( v , w ) and U 2 ( r , w , v ). One can then see that the map given
h ( v )= x
h ( w )= z
h ( r )= y
h ( x )= x
h ( y )= y
h ( z )= z
is a homomorphism from T Q 2 to T Q 1 , as it preserves the free variables x and y , and sends
U 1 ( v , w ) into U 1 ( x , z ) and U 2 ( r , w , v ) into U 2 ( y , z , x ).
The importance of homomorphisms comes from the fact that they allow one to test
conjunctive queries for containment. Namely, if we have two conjunctive queries Q ( x ) and
Q ( x ) with tableaux ( T Q , x ) and ( T Q , x ),then
there is a homomorphism h : T Q T Q .
Note that the direction of the homomorphism is opposite to the direction of containment.
For the above examples of queries Q 1 and Q 2 , we have both a homomorphism T Q 2
T Q 1
and a homomorphism T Q 1 T Q 2 (the identity), which implies Q 1 = Q 2 .
2.3 Incomplete data
We have seen in earlier examples that target instances may contain incomplete informa-
tion . Typically, incomplete information in databases is modeled by having two disjoint and
infinite sets of values that populate instances:
the set of constants , denoted by C ONST ,and
the set of nulls , or variables, denoted by V AR .
In general the domain of an instance is a subset of C ONST
V AR (although we shall as-
sume that domains of source instances are always contained in C ONST ). We usually denote
constants by lowercase letters a , b , c ,... (or mention specific constants such as numbers or
strings), while nulls are denoted by symbols
1 ,
2 ,etc.
Incomplete relational instances over C ONST
V AR are usually called naıve databases.
Note that a null
V AR appears at most once, we speak of Codd databases. If we talk about single relations,
V AR can appear multiple times in such an instance. If each null
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