Database Reference
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T 1
T 2
T 3
Figure 12.1 A D -kind K and a tree T L ( K ). The trees T 1 , T 2 have label a in the root and conform
to D a ; T 3 has label b in the root and conforms to D b .
work with a multicontext, called a kind , that contains this tree and has a port wherever new
nodes can be added according to the DTD. For the sake of uniformity, in the definition of
kind we assume that whenever the DTD contains a rule
+ ... , each
-node in the
kind has one
Definition 12.9 For a nested-relational DTD D over
Γ,a D - kind K is any XML tree
Γ ∪{◦ σ σ Γ }
conforming to the DTD D over
obtained by replacing for each
, each
σ by
+ by
occurrence of
? with
, each occurrence of
σ , and each occurrence of
σ ·◦ σ , where the fresh labels
σ have no attributes and their productions are
σ ε
Note that for a nested-relational DTD D ,all D -kinds are identical up to data values.
For a kind we define a set of trees that can be obtained from it by substitutions at ports,
according to the additional information provided by the label of the port.
Definition 12.10 Let D be a nested-relational DTD and let D σ stand for the DTD obtained
from D by changing the root symbol to
.AnXMLtree T agrees with a D -kind K if T can
be obtained from K by substituting at each port labeled with
σ a forest (possibly empty)
consisting of trees conforming to the DTD D σ .By L ( K ) we denote the set of XML trees
that agree with K .
An illustration of these notions is given in Figure 12.1 .Thetree T shown in the figure is
obtained from K by substituting T 1 + T 2 at the port labeled with
a and T 3 at the port labeled
b .
Directly from the definition we get that for every nested-relational DTD D ,
= D
L ( K )
K is a D -kind
L ( K ) there exists a witnessing substitution : a sequence of forests
and contexts T u , with u ranging over the ports of K , such that substituting each u in K
with T u we obtain T . It is easy to check that T u is unique ( Exercise 16.3 ). The combining
operation can be described as follows.
Note that for each T
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