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4. (Source: Arenas et al. ( 2011c ))
Prove the following stronger version of Theorem 5.14 . There exists a L AV mapping
Σ t consists of a single egd, and the problem of check-
ing for the existence of solutions under
=(R s , R t ,
Σ st ,
Σ t ), such that
is P TIME -complete.
5. (Source: Kolaitis et al. ( 2006 ))
Prove that there exist fixed source and target schemas R s and R t such that
S OL E XISTENCE restricted to mappings of the form (R s , R t ,
Σ st ,
Σ t ),where
Σ t consists
only of egds, is E XPTIME -hard.
6. Complete the proof of Theorem 6.5 by proving Claim 6.6 .
7. Prove Lemma 6.8 stated as follows. Let S 1
d , a
= fail .
Assume that S 3 is an instance that satisfies the dependency d and such that there is a
homomorphism from S 1 into S 3 . Then there exists a homomorphism from S 2 into S 3 .
8. Prove Proposition 6.10 , i.e., show that if
S 2 be a chase step, where S 2
Σ t ) is a mapping such that
Σ t consists only of egds, then every source instance S has a unique canonical universal
solution T (up to a renaming of nulls) under
=(R s , R t ,
Σ st ,
9. Show that in general cores cannot be constructed as canonical solutions of a modified
mapping. That is, give an example of a schema mapping
without target constraints
M (also without target constraints) satisfying the con-
dition that for every source S , the canonical universal solution for S under
for which there is no mapping
M is the
10. (Source: Gottlob and Nash ( 2008 ))
Prove Theorem 6.18 stated as follows. Let
core for S under
=(R s , R t ,
st ,
t ) be a fixed relational
t consists of a set of egds and a weakly acyclic set of tgds. There
is a polynomial-time algorithm that, for every source instance S , checks whether a
solution for S exists, and if that is the case, computes the core of the universal solutions
for S .
11. Give an example of a relational algebra query that is not a union of conjunctive queries
such that its certain answers cannot be computed by naıve evaluation. In fact, even a
stronger statement is true: if Q is a Boolean relational calculus, i.e., FO, query, and its
certain answers can be computed by naıve evaluation, then Q is equivalent to a union
of conjunctive queries.
12. Show that certain answers for D ATALOG queries can be computed in exactly the same
was as for conjunctive queries. Namely, if Q is a D ATALOG query, S is a source in-
stance, and T is a universal solution for S ,then certain M ( Q , S )= Q naıve ( T ).
13. Complete the proof of Theorem 7.4 by showing that
mapping, such that
satisfiable iff
certain M ( Q , S ϕ )= false .
14. (Source: M¸dry ( 2005 ))
Show that there exists a Boolean conjunctive query Q with two inequalities and a LAV
, such that CERTAIN M ( Q ) is CO NP-complete.
15. (Source: Arenas et al. ( 2011c ))
In this exercise we prove that one can efficiently compute certain answers to conjunc-
tive queries with two inequalities, by assuming some syntactic restrictions on queries.
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