Database Reference
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Endnotes to Part Two
9.1 Summary
Without putting restrictions on schema mappings, all the key computational tasks are
undecidable in data exchange. Hence, one usually deals with the mappings in which:
1. the relationship between the source and the target schemas is specified by source-to-
target tuple generating dependencies (st-tgds), and
2. the target constraints are tuple-generating and equality-generating dependencies (tgds
and egds).
Even in this setting, the problem of checking whether a given source admits a solution
is undecidable. Hence, one usually imposes a further acyclicity condition on the target
With this condition (called weak acyclicity), solutions - if they exist - can be constructed
in polynomial time by the chase procedure. If the chase fails, it means that there are no
Solutions constructed by the chase are more general than others - they are so-called
universal solutions. There are several equivalent ways of stating that a solution is more
general than others. The result of the chase is usually referred to as the canonical uni-
versal solution.
There is a unique minimal universal solution, called the core. It can be constructed in
polynomial time under the weak acyclicity assumption, although the algorithm is quite
complicated. A simpler algorithm exists if target constraints contain only egds.
Certain answers for arbitrary conjunctive queries Q (or unions of conjunctive queries)
can be found if one has an arbitrary universal solution: this is done by means of answer-
ing another query, the rewriting of Q , over the solution.
Finding certain answers for arbitrary FO (relational algebra) queries is an undecidable
problem in general. But useful restrictions guaranteeing decidability, and even tractabil-
ity, can be found if one limits the amount of negation allowed in queries. In some cases,
tractable query answering extends even to fragments of Datalog.
Any relational calculus query that is rewritable over the core is rewritable over the canon-
ical universal solution, but not vice versa. Also, there is a simple condition that lets one
test whether a query is not rewritable over those solutions.
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