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which in Sanskrit literally means “nasal cleansing with water,” is the practice of using
a neti pot to irrigate the sinuses. Why sniffle and sneeze when you can clear it out?
HONEYASANOINTMENT :Honeycanhelptokeepexternalwounds,suchascutsand
minor burns, clean and free from infection and can minimize scarring. Because of the
hygroscopic qualities of honey, it absorbs water and causes the skin to hold moisture.
It also acts as a mild antiseptic, so honey can help to prevent the growth of bacteria. In
July 2008, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave clearance to a manufacturer of
products of wound and skin care to sell active manuka honey for medical use.
Manuka honey, found only in New Zealand, is made from the flowers of the tea
tree bush and is known for its high antibacterial properties. It has been shown to in-
hibit the growth of the bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers and dyspepsia, includ-
ing Heliobacter pylori and other gastrointestinal bacterias, like E. coli and Streptococ-
cus faecalis. This marks the first time the FDA has approved a honey or honey-based
product as a medical treatment specifically for first-and second-degree burns and trau-
matic and surgical wounds.
HONEY FOR DIGESTION : It was the Romans who first discovered honey's beneficial
effects on digestive disorders. They would prescribe honey as a mild laxative. Honey
ulcers, andconstipation. Honeyisbelieved tohelpdestroycertain bacteria inthegutby
acting as a preserving agent.
HONEY AS A CLEANSER : A cup of hot water mixed with apple cider vinegar, freshly
squeezed lemon juice, and a teaspoon of honey will act as a liver cleanser while boost-
ing your energy levels.
HONEY FOR QUICK ENERGY : Honey is easily absorbed by the body and is source of
and long-lasting effects. For this reason, many athletes eat honey during training ses-
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