Java Reference
In-Depth Information
However you accomplish it, when I say “start at your Desktop” or just cdDesktop ,
that's what you'll always need to do, whether it's from anywhere, like this:
$ cd Desktop
from your home directory first:
$ cd
$ cd Desktop
using a tilde for the home directory:
$ cd ~/Desktop
explicitly typing the name of your home directory:
$ cd /Users/andy/Desktop
or doing that with quotes because you have spaces in the name:
$ cd /Users/"John Smith"/Desktop
No matter what, it will always be shown here as just
$ cd Desktop
And Now for Some Fun
In this topic's downloaded code, in your Desktop/code directory, there's a special
subdirectory named Adventure . Using the command line, cd there and have a
look at those files and directories.
You can use ls to list the directories as we've done here. To take a quick look
at text files (named .txt ), you can use the cat command.
Start at your Desktop (however that works for you, as described in the last
$ cd Desktop
$ cd code
$ cd Adventure
$ cat README.txt
These are some files to make exploring the file system a little more fun.
Do an ls and see what else is there and explore a bit in the subdirectories.
See what treasures—and what dangers—you find.
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