Java Reference
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javac: Illegal Start of Expression
This is a generic error message if we didn't tidy up an expression as we should
have and the compiler isn't ready to start a new expression yet—for instance,
if I leave off the closing brace at the end of a function:
public void disable() { "Stopping." );
Again I'll get a bunch of errors, starting at the point of the missing brace and
continuing way past it into the rest of the file:
src/helloworld/ illegal start of expression
public void helloCommand(MessageReceiver caller, String[] parameters)
src/helloworld/ ';' expected
public void helloCommand(MessageReceiver caller, String[] parameters)
src/helloworld/ ';' expected
public void helloCommand(MessageReceiver caller, String[] parameters)
src/helloworld/ not a statement
Just remember that “illegal start” really means “didn't finish properly.”
javac: Class Is Public, Should Be Declared in a File Named…
In my , I get creative and start to add another class declaration
at the end of the file:
public class TooMany {
// ...
This generates a very descriptive error message:
src/helloworld/ class TooMany is public ,
should be declared in a file named
public class TooMany {
Remember that every public class must be in a separate file that is named
for the class, in a directory named for the package.
However, you can declare a private class inside your public class within the
same file. This can sometimes be helpful for small helper classes.
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