Java Reference
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@Command(aliases = { "testexplode" },
description = "Test cow explode" ,
permissions = { "" },
min = 1, // Number of arguments
toolTip = "/testexplode" )
public void testExplodeCommand(MessageReceiver caller, String[] args) {
if (caller instanceof Player) {
Player me = (Player)caller;
List <CreeperCowTimer> list = new ArrayList <CreeperCowTimer>();
for (Cow c : allCows.keySet()) {
CreeperCowTimer superCow = allCows.get(c);
for (CreeperCowTimer superCow : list) {
public void onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadedHook event) {
if (enabled) {
World world = event.getWorld();
Chunk chunk = event.getChunk();
if ( Math .random() > 0.10) { // Only make a cow 1 in 10
return ;
} "[CreeperCow] Spawning" );
// The X and Z from the chunk are indexes;
// we have to multiply by 16 to get an actual
// block location.
Location start = new Location(
chunk.getX() * CHUNK_SIZE,
chunk.getZ() * CHUNK_SIZE);
spawnCows(start, 16, 1);
public void onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadHook event) {
Chunk chunk = event.getChunk();
List < Entity > [] all = chunk.getEntityLists();
for ( int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
for ( Entity ent : all[i]) { // List of 16 block subchunks
if (ent instanceof Cow) {
Cow cow = (Cow) ent;
if (allCows.containsKey(cow)) {
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