Java Reference
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description = "Turn Creeper Cows on and off" ,
permissions = { "" },
min = 2, // Number of arguments
toolTip = "/creepercows on|off" )
public void enabledCommand(MessageReceiver caller, String[] args) {
if (caller instanceof Player) {
Player me = (Player)caller;
if (args[1].equalsIgnoreCase( "on" ) ||
args[1].equalsIgnoreCase( "yes" ) ||
args[1].equalsIgnoreCase( "true" )) {
enabled = true; "Creeper Cows are enabled" );
// Start off with a few right here ;)
spawnCows(me.getLocation(), 25, 5);
} else {
enabled = false; "Creeper Cows are disabled" );
@Command(aliases = { "testspawncows" },
description = "Test cow spawning" ,
permissions = { "" },
min = 3, // Number of arguments
toolTip = "/testspawncows <size of square> <number to spawn>" )
public void testSpawnCommand(MessageReceiver caller, String[] args) {
if (caller instanceof Player) {
Player me = (Player)caller;
Location loc = me.getLocation();
Integer .parseInt(args[1]),
Integer .parseInt(args[2]));
@Command(aliases = { "testjump" },
description = "Test cow jumping" ,
permissions = { "" },
min = 1, // Number of arguments
toolTip = "/testjump" )
public void testJumpCommand(MessageReceiver caller, String[] args) {
if (caller instanceof Player) {
Player me = (Player)caller;
for (Cow c : allCows.keySet()) {
CreeperCowTimer superCow = allCows.get(c);
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