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Git keeps a local copy of all of your files and all of your changes in its local
repository, and you can set it up to keep a copy of your repository in the cloud
as well. You choose when to send changes to the cloud by running the com-
mand git push . After a push, the remote repository in the cloud will have all
the same content and changes you have locally.
To set that up, you'll need an account on a Git host.
The most popular one is GitHub, although many people like Bitbucket as
well. 1 2 GitHub is the standard for code that you intend to share with others
or make available as open source, while Bitbucket is better suited to private
projects that you don't intend to share with the world.
Both offer really simple web interfaces to get you set up and running. For
instance, once you create an account on GitHub, you can click the button to
create a new repository, and you'll get a screen similar to the following:
Pick a name for your project, and select Public or Private. Public repositories
on GitHub are available for free, but private repositories cost money. Bitbucket,
on the other hand, offers unlimited private repositories for free. Don't initialize
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