Java Reference
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PropertiesFile config = getConfig();
numSquids = config.getInt( "numSquids" , 6);
squidDropHeight = config.getDouble( "squidDropHeight" , 5.0);
setFire = config.getBoolean( "setFire" , false);; // Create a new one if needed
return true;
@Command(aliases = { "squidbombc" },
description = "Drop a configurable number of squid on your head." ,
permissions = { "" },
toolTip = "/squidbombc" )
public void squidbombCommand(MessageReceiver caller, String[] args) {
if (caller instanceof Player) {
Player me = (Player)caller;
Location loc = me.getLocation();
double y = loc.getY();
loc.setY(y + squidDropHeight); "Spawning " + numSquids + " squid." );
// Spawning some squid. Derp.
for ( int i = 0; i < numSquids; i++) {
spawnEntityLiving(loc, EntityType.SQUID);
@Command(aliases = { "squidpurge" },
description = "Get rid of squid." ,
permissions = { "" },
toolTip = "/squidpurge" )
public void squidpurgeCommand(MessageReceiver caller, String[] args) {
if (caller instanceof Player) {
Player me = (Player)caller;
Collection <EntityLiving> squidlist = me.getWorld().getEntityLivingList();
for (EntityLiving entity : squidlist) {
if (entity instanceof Squid) {
Squid victim = (Squid)entity;
if (setFire) {
} else {
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