Java Reference
In-Depth Information
One last interesting note about variables: notice that at and , I used a
new to make a new variable, as in towerBase = new Location(towerLoc) , instead of
just assigning it, as in towerBase=towerLoc . Why do you think I did that?
Remember that when you create a variable with new , the actual variable is
sitting out in memory someplace, and your name is just a name. So if I had
typed towerBase = towerLoc , there would only be one Location , with two names.
They wouldn't be separate variables. By typing towerBase=newLocation(towerLoc)
I made a whole new variable named towerBase that has copied the values from
towerLoc .
If you're planning on changing the values of a variable, and you don't want
to change the original, always make a copy.
The full plugin is in code/ArrayAddMoreBlocks . Build, stop, start, and try that now,
building and clearing some towers. Remember, you might need to turn around
and face a different direction to see the tower.
Try This Yourself
Now change the code and add a couple of different building materials. Then
try changing it to use just one material, like Dirt perhaps. Or make a nice mix
of Dirt and Grass . You're in control.
Next Up
In this chapter you've learned the difference between local and global variables.
You can use a simple Array or the more flexible ArrayList to store a pile of data,
and traverse it using a for-each iterator.
Arrays are great if you don't really care about finding one of the objects in
the array by itself. However, if you care about objects by name—like a Player
—then you'll need something a little fancier.
In the next chapter we'll cover how to use a HashMap to store data by name (or
by Location , or by anything else you might need).
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