HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure A-1 The <s> element, as displayed in Google Chrome.
As well as being able to mark up text that is no longer relevant, you can also mark up text that has been added to the
page by using the <ins> element.
Building on the preceding example, here is how you could use the <ins> element to mark up new content.
<p>This page is maintained by <s>Joe Balochio</s> <ins>Matt
Browsers will often apply an underline to text content contained within an <ins> element. This can of course be
overridden using CSS. Figure A-2 shows how this example would be displayed in Google Chrome.
Figure A-2 The <ins> element, as displayed in Google Chrome.
The <span> Element
The <span> element has no meaning itself, but can be used to apply attributes such as class or id to a specific
part of text. The element can then be used to apply styling to a section of text that does not have any semantic mean-
ing and therefore should not use the <em> , <strong> , <s> , or <ins> elements. Here's an example showing the
use of the <span> element.
<span class="big-text">Style me!</span>
The <address> Element
The <address> element is used to mark up contact information related to a particular article or a web page as a
whole. (You should not use it to mark up postal addresses unless that information is directly relevant; best practice is
to use the <p> element for that use case.) Here's an example that uses the <address> element to mark up contact
information within a press release.
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