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Visual communication
Chip Kidd decreed “Graphic (visual communications) design needs your willing mental par-
ticipation, even if it's subconscious. Graphic design is message-sending into the brain” and
this highlights the notion that visual communications design is a cerebral experience not just
a physical one. 15
Visual communication within any context is essentially about embedding visual elements,
symbols, text or signifiers within an image or design which is then conveyed from the sender
to an audience. A simple model of communication is depicted as follows.
Visual communication is underpinned by the processes involved in visual perception and the
processing of incoming visual information. In this respect, the processes involved in human
visual perception, processes are still only partially understood. Incoming visual information,
in the form of light-waves, is received by rod and cone receptors in the human retina. There
are about six million colour-sensitive cone receptors and these are found mostly in the fovea
area of the retina (a cone-rich area located directly in the line of sight), as illustrated in the
following Figure. In addition, there are about 120 million rod receptors and these are located
mostly in the peripheral area of the retina. Out-numbering cone receptors by about 20-to-1,
rod receptors are light rather than colour sensitive. 16-18
Visual information, which passes through to the brain from the retina via the optic nerve,
continues along different pathways and through different areas of the brain. In the brain,
incoming visual data as well as internal signals representing memory, expectations, pattern
recognition and so on, are processed on an ongoing basis during normal vision. 16,17,19
Hence, we literally construct what we see at the time that we see it and this process revolves
around visual perception in tandem with cognitive processing. However, it needs to be noted
that individual differences occur in terms of memory, expectations, pattern recognition and
cognitive functioning during visual perception and visual data processing.
Factors that influence visual communication
According to Tufte, visual imagery can convey meaning as effectively, if not more effect-
ively, than words. 20 However, this process depends on how effectively the embedded visual
elements are identified, interpreted and analysed by the intended audience.
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