Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
This model provides a methodology to initially identify visual imagery, and takes an ob-
jective approach by removing personal preference and subjectivity. In this context, visual
imagery is considered to include the elements and principles of design embedded within all
forms of digital imagery, art and visual communications design.
The next step involves recognising and analysing patterns or underlying logic and/or intent
in the use of key visual elements as well as principles of composition. The third step in-
volves identifying and interpreting the use of symbolism, signifiers or visual imagery that is
intended to convey connotative meaning. This step requires a level of commonality of un-
derstanding between the designer and the intended viewer in terms of learning and social/
cultural conditioning. While the designer or artist may have knowledge and understanding
in this respect, the viewer may or may not be privy to this knowledge or understanding.
Hence, interpretation and analysis may vary, leading to a range of differing perspectives.
The final step involves an evaluation of the example of visual imagery or design in terms
of how effectively it achieves its communication objectives, and this step may also vary
depending on perspective and whether the communication objectives are overt or covert.
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