Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2. Minimal visual detail can subtly convey information.
As imagery, these posters are visually interesting and intriguing; however, the use of visual
imagery such as these film posters tend to be Western-centric and tied to a particular time
period. Without the benefit of information drawn from social and cultural conditioning,
these film posters may lack meaning or significance. Knowledge of American actors and
a recent history of Hollywood film plots acquired through social and cultural conditioning
provide the audience with background information necessary to interpret and decipher the
visual messages embedded in the posters. In this way, the viewer constructs the intended
communication objectives of the posters and, without the necessary information or motiv-
ation to know, these communication objectives may not necessarily be achieved.
In the visual clutter of the 21 st century, it is imperative to ensure that convey communica-
tion objectives can be conveyed quickly and effectively otherwise the intended viewer may
choose to focus elsewhere or their attention may be diverted to other visual distractions.
Attention vs. distraction
It has been suggested that “vision is construction”; that is, we receive external visual input
which is then processed cognitively, simultaneously with reference to memory, pattern re-
cognition and so on. 23 While this internal process is automatic and highly effective, it is
a process that is open to the influence of both internal factors such as affective state, pref-
erence, motivation and cognitive ability as well as external conditions such as visual dis-
traction, changes in ambient lighting and context, as well as the variations in cognitive load
due to the impact of environmental input.
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