Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 11 Contour plots and graphs showing the stress variation through the wall thickness of
90-106, 106-125 and 125-150 lm porous grafts with adventitial fabric reinforcement at a
luminal pressure of 100 mmHg: Circumferential stress (a, d), radial stress (b, e), axial stress (c, f)
Fig. 11 d-f, the fabric reinforcing reduced and levelled out the circumferential
stresses for all porogen sizes. The axial stress was similarly reduced for all
porogen sizes whereas levelling out of axial stress was only observed in the
125-150 lm graft but not in the 106-125 and 90-106 lm structures. With
the addition of the reinforcing, the compressive radial stress increased toward
the outer (adventitial) surface, while relatively small changes were observed at the
lumen for all graft types.
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