Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
the access roads have been constructed and the ROW has been established, mak-
ing remote areas more accessible to the public. Visual impacts resulting from the
presence of the aboveground portion of a pipeline, transmission lines, and associated
facilities could impact cultural resources that have an associated landscape compo-
nent that contributes to their significance, such as a sacred landscape or historic trails.
e CologiCAl r esourCes
During operations and maintenance, adverse impacts on ecological resources could
occur from the following:
Disturbance of wildlife from noise and human activity
ROW maintenance (e.g., vegetation removal)
Exposure or biota to contaminants
Mortality of biota caused by collisions with transmission lines or aboveg-
round pipeline components
Ecological resources may continue to be affected by the reduction in habitat quality
associated with habitat fragmentation due to the presence of the ROW, support facili-
ties, and access roads. In addition, the presence of an energy transmission project
and its associated access roads may increase human use of surrounding areas, which
in turn could impact ecological resources in the surrounding areas through
Introduction and spread of invasive nonnative vegetation
Fragmentation of habitat
Disturbance of biota
Collisions with or electrocution of birds
Increased potential for fire
W Ater r esourCes
Impacts on water resources during the operation and maintenance phase would be
limited to possible minor degradation of water quality resulting from vehicular traf-
fic and machinery operation during maintenance (e.g., erosion and sedimentation) or
herbicide contamination during vegetation management (e.g., from accentual sills).
However, a large oil pipeline spill could potentially cause extensive degradation of
surface waters or shallow groundwater.
l And u se
Land use impacts would be minimal, as many activities could continue with the
ROW (e.g., agriculture and grazing). Other industrial and energy projects would
likely be excluded within the ROW. In addition, construction of facilities (such as
houses and other structures) would be precluded within the ROW, and roads would
only be allowed to cross ROWs, not run along their length. Recreation activities (e.g.,
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