Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Discharges of waste or sanitary water
Herbicide applications
Contaminant spills, especially oil
Applying sand and gravel for road construction, layout areas, foundations, etc., can
alter the drainage near where the material is used. The size of the area affected
can range from a few hundred square feet (for a support tower foundation) to a few
hundred acres (for an access road). Surface and groundwater flow systems could be
affected by withdrawals made for water use, wastewater and stormwater discharges,
and the diversion of surface water flow for access road construction or stormwa-
ter control systems. Excavation activities and the extraction of geological materials
may affect surface and groundwater flow. The interaction between surface water and
groundwater may also be affected if the two are hydrologically connected, poten-
tially resulting in unwanted dewatering or recharging.
l And u se
Impacts on land use could occur during construction if there are conflicts with exist-
ing land use plans and community goals; conflicts with existing recreation, educa-
tion, religious, scientific, or other use areas; or conversion or cessation of the existing
commercial land use of the area (e.g., mineral extraction). During construction, most
land use impacts would be temporary, such as removal of livestock from grazing
areas during periods of blasting or heavy equipment operations; curtailing hunting
near work crews; or temporary effects on the character of a recreation area because
of construction noise, dust, and visual intrusions. Long-term land use impacts would
occur if existing land uses are not compatible with an energy transmission project,
such as remote recreational experiences. Within forested areas, ROW clearing could
result in the long-term loss of timber production.
Impacts on aviation could be possible if the project is located within 20,000 feet
(6100 meters) or less of an existing public or military airport or if proposed construc-
tion involve objects greater than 200 feet (61 meters) in height. The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) must be notified if either of these two conditions occurs and
would be responsible for determining if the project would adversely affect com-
mercial, military, or personal air navigation safety. Similarly, impacts on military
operations may occur if the project is located near a military facility and that facility
conducts military testing and training activities that occur at low altitudes.
s oils And g eologiC r esourCes
Surface disturbance, heavy equipment traffic, and changes to surface runoff pat-
terns can cause soil erosion. Impacts of soil erosion include soil nutrient loss and
reduced water quality in nearby surface water bodies. Impacts on special soils (e.g.,
cryptobiotic soils) could also occur. Sands, gravels, and quarry stone would be
excavated for use in the construction of access roads; for use in making concrete
for foundations and ancillary structures; for improving the ground surface for lay-
down areas and crane staging areas; and, as necessary, for use as backfill in pipeline
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