Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix 2. Definitions of
Terrorism-Related Terms
Abu Sayyaf: Meaning “bearer of the sword,” Abu Sayyaf is the smaller of the two
Islamist groups whose goal is to establish an Iranian-style Islamic state in
Mindanao in the Southern Philippines. In 1991, the group split from the
Maro National Liberation Front with ties to numerous Islamic fundamen-
talist groups. They finance their operations through kidnapping for ransom,
extortion, piracy, and other criminal acts. It is also thought that they receive
funding from al Qaeda. It is estimated that there are between 200 and 500
Abu Sayyaf terrorists, mostly recruited from high schools and colleges.
Acid bomb: A crude bomb made by combining muriatic acid with aluminum strips
in a 2-liter soda bottle.
Aerosol: A fine mist or spray that contains minute particles.
Afghanistan: At the time of 9/11, Afghanistan was governed by the Taliban, and
Osama bin Laden called it home. Amid U.S. air strikes, which began on
October 7, 2001, the United States sent more than $300 million in humani-
tarian aid. In December 2001, Afghanistan reopened their embassy for the
first time in more than 20 years.
Aflatoxin: A toxin created by bacteria that grow on stored foods, especially on rice,
peanuts, and cotton seeds.
Agency: A division of government with a specific function or a non-governmental
organization (e.g., private contractor, business) that offers a particular kind
of assistance. Under the Incident Command System (a systematic tool used
for the command, control, and coordination of emergency responses), agen-
cies are defined as jurisdictional (having statutory responsibility for inci-
dent mitigation) or assisting and/or cooperating (providing resources and/or
Air marshal: A federal marshal whose purpose is to ride commercial flights dressed
in plainclothes and armed to prevent hijackings. Israel's use of air mar-
shals on El Al is credited as the reason Israel has had a single hijacking in
31 years. The United States started using air marshals after 9/11. Despite
President Bush's urging, there are not enough air marshals to go around, so
many flights do not have them.
Airborne: Carried by or through the air.
al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group, IG): Islamic terrorist group that emerged
spontaneously during the 1970s in Egyptian jails and later in Egyptian uni-
versities. After President Sadat released most of the Islamic prisoners from
prisons in 1971, groups of militants organized themselves in groups and
cells, and al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya was one of them.
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