Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
p AleontologiCAl r esourCes
Surface disturbance is minimal during the site evaluation phase, and paleontologi-
cal resources buried below the surface are unlikely to be affected. Fossil material
present on the surface could be disturbed by vehicular traffic, ground clearing, and
pedestrian activity (including collection of fossils). Surveys conducted during this
phase to evaluate the presence and/or significance of paleontological resources in the
area would assist developers in designing the project to avoid or minimize impacts
on these resources.
t rAnsportAtion
No impacts on transportation are anticipated during the site evaluation phase.
Transportation activities would be temporary, intermittent, and limited to low vol-
umes of heavy- and medium-duty pickup trucks and personal vehicles.
V isuAl r esourCes
Monitoring and testing activities would have temporary and minor visual effects
caused by the presence of equipment.
s oCioeConoMiCs
Site evaluation and exploration activities are temporary and limited and would not
result in socioeconomic impacts on employment, local services, or property values.
e nVironMentAl J ustiCe
Site evaluation and exploration activities are limited and would not result in signifi-
cant high and adverse impacts in any resource area; therefore, environmental justice
impacts are not expected during his phase.
H AzArdous M AteriAls And W Aste M AnAgeMent
Impacts from use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials and waste would be
minimal to nonexistent if appropriate management practices are followed.
A CoustiCs (n oise )
Activities associated with site monitoring and testing would generate low levels of
temporary and intermittent noise; however, it is important to point out that wind
turbine noise due to construction, operation, and maintenance activities is a major
environmental issue and complaint. Because noise associated with wind turbines is
a major environmental impact issue, an in-depth discussion about noise is provided
below. Keep in mind that the noise generated and discussed here refers to that gener-
ated during all phases of wind turbine operation.
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