Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Cultural Resources
During the operations phase, impacts on cultural resources could occur primarily
from the unauthorized collection of artifacts and from visual impacts. In the latter
case, the presence of the aboveground structures could impact cultural resources
with an associated landscape component that contributes to their significance,
such as a sacred landscape or historic trail. Damage to localities caused by off-
highway vehicle (OHV) use could also occur. The potential for indirect impacts
(e.g., vandalism, unauthorized collecting) would be greater during the operations
phase compared to the drilling/construction phase, due to the longer duration of
the operations phase.
Ecological Resources
During the operations phase, adverse impacts on ecological resources could result from
Disturbance of wildlife from noise and human activity
Exposure of biota to contaminants
Mortality of biota from colliding with aboveground facilities or vehicles
Ecological resources may continue to be affected by the reduction in habitat quality
associated with habitat fragmentation due to the presence of operating wells, pipe-
lines, ancillary facilities, and access roads. In addition, the presence of access roads
may increase human use of surrounding areas, which, in turn, could impact ecologi-
cal resources in the surrounding areas through
Introduction and spread of invasive nonnative vegetation
Fragmentation of habitat
Disturbance of biota
Increase in hunting (including poaching)
Increased potential for fire
The presence of an injection well field could also interfere with migratory and other
behaviors of some wildlife. In some coal bed methane production areas, methane gas
or carbon dioxide gas could seep up into fields and create dead zones. High levels of
carbon dioxide could asphyxiate wildlife in their burrows.
Water Resources
During the life of an injection well, the integrity of the well casing and cement will
determine the potential for adverse impacts on groundwater. If subsurface forma-
tions are not sealed off by the well casing and cement, aquifers can be impacted
by other nonpotable formation waters, hydraulic fracturing fluids, or the injected
carbon dioxide. Other potential impacts on water availability and quality during the
operations phase would include possible minor degradation of water quality result-
ing from vehicular traffic and machinery operations during maintenance (e.g., ero-
sion, sedimentation) or herbicide contamination resulting from improper application.
A spill or blowout could potentially cause extensive contamination of surface waters
or a shallow aquifer. Contaminated groundwater could potentially be discharged into
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