Agriculture Reference
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which must be maintained for two years, can be requested by federal and state
agencies, as well as health care personnel. Fines of $500 to $1000 for each
violation are authorized. Records are to be kept confidential.
Title XIV, Subtitle H - Pesticides
Farm Bill Pesticide Recordkeeping
The pesticide recordkeeping program of the 1990 Farm Bill became final
on April 9, 1993. The rule affects both private and commercial applicators
who use pesticides classified for restricted use under the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FlFRA). The regulations became effective on
May 10, 1993.
Unless records are currently prescribed by the state (retail dealers who
commercially apply restricted use pesticides (RUPS) may use the records they
already keep under FIFRA to comply with the Farm Bill recordkeeping
requirements and distribute these to their customers), the applicator shall
maintain the following data elements for each RUP application:
The brand or product name and the EPA registration number of the RUP
that was applied.
The total amount of the RUP applied. The total amount refers to the
total quantity of pesticide product used, with each RUP being listed
separately. This amount does not refer to percent of active ingredient, nor
does it include the amount of water used as a carrying agent.
The location of the application, size of area treated, and the crop,
commodity, stored product, or site to which an RUP was applied.
Location of the pesticide application shall be recorded as actual
location where the application of RUP was made.
Size of area treated should reflect label language, which is
provided in the label's direction of use section. Examples of
"size of area treated" are acres for field crops, linear feet for fence-
rows, square feet for greenhouses and nurseries, or other
applicable designations. When recording size of area treated for
livestock and poultry, enter the number of animals treated.
Crop, commodity, stored product, or site shall include general
references such as corn, cotton, or wheat, and not specific
scientific or variety names.
The month, day, and year when the RUP application occurred.
The name and certification number of the certified applicator who applied
or who supervised the application of the RUP.
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